If you’re looking into studying for a part-time degree in Oxbridge, you may be looking at a Master of Studies (MSt) degree.
Tag: Master’s Degree

3 Alarming Postgraduate Challenges All Students Need To Face
You’ll be faced with many postgraduate challenges during your degree and these can be practical or internal challenges.

What Can You Do With A Master of Music (MMus) Degree?
If you’re looking into a career in the music industry, you may wish to consider an MMus degree to help further your career prospects.

What Can You Do With A Master of Public Administration (MPA) Degree?
If you’re looking to acquire a clear foundation of knowledge about the public sector, you may be looking at a Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree.

What Can You Do With A Master of Public Health (MPH) Degree?
If you’re looking into a career in the public health industry, you may wish to consider a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree.

How To Look After Your Mental Health During Postgraduate Studies
The pandemic has been the catalyst of mental health with now more than ever, more students are disclosing their mental health problems.

The Best UK Universities To Study STEM Subjects
As part of World Space Week 2022, we’ll be looking at which UK universities are the best to study any one of the STEM subjects.

World Space Week: Which Exciting Space Career Could You Do?
Astronauts are the most well-known space workers, but they hold a fraction of the jobs. There are other potential careers in space.

What Can You Do With A Master Of Physics (MPhys) Degree?
If you’re looking to specialise in a specific physics field as an undergraduate into Master’s, you should be looking to complete an MPhys.

6 Ways To Study Smarter, Not Longer
Do you ever feel like no matter how much you study, your habits are just not cutting it? Learn the six ways to help you study smarter…