As part of World Space Week 2022, we’ll be looking at which UK universities are the best to study any one of the STEM subjects.

World Space Week: Which Exciting Space Career Could You Do?
Astronauts are the most well-known space workers, but they hold a fraction of the jobs. There are other potential careers in space.

What Can You Do With A Master Of Physics (MPhys) Degree?
If you’re looking to specialise in a specific physics field as an undergraduate into Master’s, you should be looking to complete an MPhys.

What Can You Do With A Master of Mathematics (MMath) Degree?
If you’re looking for new ways of approaching and analysing complex problems using maths, you may be looking at an MMath.

Where Can You Do With A Master of Science (MSc) Lead You?
Considering a Master’s in science, technology or mathematics? If you’re looking for a taught subject, you’ll most likely be awarded an MSc