If you are planning for a career in finance, there will no doubt be some professional finance qualifications you will need to secure first.
Category: Education

Going Back To University To Pursue A Change In Career
Freencky talks to us about why he chose a career in publishing, the difficulty in going back to university after working full-time and the stress of securing a Masters loan.

Debunking Online MBA Myths
Here are five popular myths about online MBAs that are simply not true and should not hold you back from considering to pursue an online MBA.

Professional Qualifications For The Legal Profession Explained
There are number of professional qualifications that apply to the legal profession. Depending on your role, there are different paths to follow.

Time Management Tips For Postgraduate Students
It’s all about working smarter, not harder. Check out the most effective time management tips for postgrads!

UK’s Leading Postgraduate Courses
Applications for postgraduate study in the UK are rising, with no signs of coronavirus slowing this trend, and it’s easy to see why.

The Chicago Booth EMBA Experience
Zofia is an EMBA Candidate at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business. She started her EMBA adventure in September of 2020 in Hong Kong where she is currently based.

What Is The Effect Of The Pandemic On Postgraduate Earning Potential?
A postgraduate degree has always been a popular way to maximise future earning potential. Will the COVID-19 pandemic change that?

5 Things You Need To Know About Changing Career And Starting A Postgraduate Degree In 2021
Pursuing a postgraduate degree such as a masters, MBA or PhD is a natural next step to take if you are thinking of a change in career in 2021.