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Loan Volumes and Amounts Paid to Investors Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24
Aggregate loans issued from inception to date (£) 51,965,808 52,496,788 52,775,738 52,882,608 53,549,878
Aggregate principal paid from inception to date (£) 16,654,049 17,326,702 17,968,867 18,473,641 19,223,380
Aggregate interest paid from inception to date (£) 4,233,576 4,425,999 4,667,596 4,855,206 5,029,469
Loan Analysis1 £ %
Loans outstanding – Current2 34,628,960 95.03
Loans outstanding – Arrears3 625,273 1.72
Loans outstanding – Default4 1,187,354 3.26
Total Loans Balance 36,441,587 100.00
Arrears Analysis – Loan Balances1 £ %
Less than 30 days 390,733 62.49
Between 31 and 60 days 94,701 15.15
Between 61 and 90 days 139,839 22.36
Total Loans in Arrears 625,273 100.00

Vintage Analysis1,5

Loan Origination Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
Total loans issued in year (£) 295,133 2,811,435 6,997,360 10,078,010 14,409,150 14,525,690 4,433,100 53,549,878
Total principal paid from loans issued in the year (£) 242,957 2,124,603 4,430,099 5,117,320 5,293,409 1,742,978 272,014 19,223,380
Total interest paid from loans issued in the year (£) 69,203 612,373 1,315,758 1,387,034 1,134,165 464,936 46,000 5,029,469
Loan balances by year of issue – Total (£) 67,000 829,872 2,878,040 5,222,600 9,790,201 13,498,704 4,155,170 36,441,587
Loan balances by year of issue – Current (£) 25,051 654,535 2,639,071 4,919,576 8,976,764 13,276,776 4,137,186 34,628,960
Loan balances by year of issue – Arrears (£) 16,856 11,187 75,461 225,490 130,692 147,602 17,984 625,273
Loan balances by year of issue – Default (£) 25,093 164,149 163,508 77,533 682,745 74,326 0 1,187,354
Initial loan amount by year of issue – Loans in repayment (£) 295,133 2,811,435 6,997,360 10,078,010 13,133,400 6,088,560 1,885,050 41,288,948
Loan balances by year of issue – Loans in repayment (£) 67,000 829,872 2,878,040 5,222,600 9,211,714 4,773,482 1,675,852 24,658,560

Defaults & Recoveries

Loan origination Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
Defaults (£) 53,655 331,482 202,546 97,781 705,342 74,514 0 1,465,321
Recoveries from previous default situations (£)7 28,563 167,333 39,038 20,248 22,598 187 0 277,966
Written-Off loan amounts 0 23,969 0 0 0 0 0 23,969
Recovery rate (%)8 53.23 50.48 19.27 20.71 3.20 0.25 0 18.97

Defaults & Recoveries Analysis by Loan Default Year *

Loan Origination Year ↓ Default Year → 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
2018 0 0 47,217 0 0 4,419 2,019 53,655
2019 0 0 23,100 266,049 22,672 15,636 4,025 331,482
2020 0 0 3,040 21,631 67,024 81,648 29,204 202,546
2021 0 0 0 0 0 88,159 9,623 97,781
2022 0 0 0 0 3,718 246,593 367,021 617,332
2023 0 0 0 0 0 0 162,524 162,524
2024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 73,357 287,680 93,414 436,455 574,415 1,465,321

Recovery Year ↓ * Default Year → 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020 0 0 2,253 0 0 0 0 2,253
2021 0 0 11,071 22,908 0 0 0 33,979
2022 0 0 11,600 65,581 10,416 0 0 87,597
2023 0 0 12,212 52,730 11,863 26,544 0 103,349
2024 0 0 3,082 13,689 11,774 16,658 5,586 50,788
Total 0 0 40,219 154,907 34,053 43,202 5,586 277,966

*All amounts are in GBP

All time

Total loans funded: £53,549,878

Total loans funded: £295,133

Total loans funded: £10,078,010

Total loans funded: £4,433,100

Total loans funded: £2,811,435

Total loans funded: £14,409,150

Total loans funded: £6,997,360

Total loans funded: £14,525,690

** Net Defaults is total defaults minus total recoveries

Risk Warnings

Remember, past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. And forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Investors on Lendwise are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Independent advice
We recommend that you seek independent financial advice if you are in any doubt as to whether lending via Lendwise is suitable for you.

Definitions of arrears and defaults

1Excludes all loans with an arrears balance of less than £1 and loans considered in default.

2Current Balance (Principal & Interest) of loans that have been originated on the Lendwise platform which are outstanding and which are not considered to be in arrears or in default.

3A loan is considered to be in ‘Arrears’, where the relevant borrower of the loan is overdue on any amount in one or more instalment payments. The amount of arrears is the total outstanding amount of the loan.

4A loan in default is considered to be any loan that has been in arrears for more than 90 days or a loan in arrears for less than 90 days where we have information to believe that there is no reasonable expectation that the borrower is going to repay the loan on the original loan repayment date and/or terms. As a result, this category can include loans where repayments are still being made and are in the process of clearing their arrears. Such loans will be reflected in the corresponding recovery data row. The amount includes any portion of the loan that has not yet been repaid and/or all costs incurred by the lender in relation to the enforcement of a defaulted loan, where such costs are not recovered in full from the relevant borrower.

5The loan information displayed relates to that calendar year (from January to December) as shown in each column.

6“Currently in Default” represent total amounts lent in that calendar year currently in default.

7“Recoveries” represents those amounts of loans which we previously classified to be in default but were since recovered.

8“Recovery rate” represents the proportion of loans which are recovered, having previously been classified to be in default.

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